The Freezer Longline Coalition is a Section 501(c)(6) non-profit trade association that represents the owners and operators of the vessels that participate in the freezer longline, or catcher processor hook-and-line sector of the Pacific cod fishery in the federal waters of the Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands, and the Gulf of Alaska.
Our mission is to promote public policy that facilitates the intelligent and orderly harvest of Pacific cod and other groundfish species while encouraging the reduction of waste and improving resource utilization in the longline fishery. FLC works to reduce incidental catch of non-target species in our fishery and support research and public education about longline fisheries and Pacific cod. We represent member interests in matters concerning the management and regulation of the longline fishery with respect to target species and protected resources.

Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) is distributed widely in the North Pacific and is neither overfished nor approaching an overfished condition. Pacific cod is targeted by a variety of fisheries that use multiple gear types, including trawl, longline, pot, and jig. The longline fishery is managed under a federal license limitation program. Participants in the longline fishery hold federal license limitation program permits with federal Pacific cod endorsements issued by the National Marine Fisheries Service (“NMFS”) allowing their vessels to participate in the longline fishery.
The freezer longline sector is amongst the cleanest, most sustainable fisheries in the world. Our sector is certified under the Alaska Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) program and was the first cod fishery in the world to obtain Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification as a sustainable, eco-friendly, and well-managed fishery. Monterrey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch program gives our fishery its highest-level recommendation (“best choice”) in its seafood consumer guide.
FLC member vessels are participants in the full coverage federal observer program administered by the National Marine Fisheries Service. Since 2013, all members have been required to carry either two observers on their vessel or to deploy one senior-level (lead-level 2) observer and to utilize a flow scale onboard to ensure accuracy in reporting of their catch. Catch is reported from vessels daily through NMFS’ catch accounting system. All vessels also have cameras installed to assist in the monitoring of catch and operations onboard.