The freezer longline fleet is a majority Alaskan-owned fleet that includes participation by five (of six) Alaska Community Development Quota (CDQ) groups, an Alaska Native Corporation and Alaskan fishermen from across the state. It is a fleet born from Alaskan ingenuity and innovation. In the 1980s, a group of Alaska fishermen saw an opportunity to participate in the emergent federal Pacific cod fishery, using longline gear to harvest cod and to process their catch onboard, increasing efficiency and generating new opportunity for Alaskans to compete in the fishery. Today, our fleet is vital to Alaskans and their communities, bringing jobs, revenue, and countless benefits through our operations and those of our CDQ and Native Corporation partners.


“We built a residential duplex to attract new families to False Pass with APICDA's Community Development Grant Program funding. The lack of family housing in our community has directly affected the stability of our school due to low enrollment. False Pass can now welcome new families to ensure our school remains open, which also encourages established families to stay. Addressing the lack of housing has been a priority for a long time, our community is deeply grateful to APICDA for making the funding available.” Nikki Hoblet, Mayor of the City of False Pass, Alaska

Coastal Villages Region Fund’s Rural Housing Program – the need for housing particularly in Western Alaska is great, and the traditional way that houses come into a community is through the regional housing authority, and the work they do is very valuable but to meet the need, it is going to take 200 years. CVRF’s innovative approach is to reach the unmet population with means and assist them through the lending process and other requirements. Since inception, CVRF has built 4 homes in Eek, Chevak, and Toksook Bay.

CVRF’s Youth to Work Program, a program that focuses on recruiting 14–19-year-old youth to work during the summertime, providing real work expectations for coming to work on time everyday performing their job duties and earning a paycheck. Local experts are hired as instructors to reach youth employees relevant, traditionally inspired crafts and tools. Youth develop cultural skills and knowledge; youth cultivate their leadership skills into a Team Lead position. Annually, there are 700-800 youth hired in the summertime

Each year in the People Propel® program, over 200 ATV units are purchased, and over 90% are Honda Brand. It is the go-to brand, with the number of units that are bought in Western Alaska, the local mechanic welders saw a need for Honda services. CVRF spent at least two years developing a working relationship and Honda granted a rare wish. This special relationship that was developed resulted in the creation of three strategically placed locations in Western Alaska: Eek, Kipnuk, and Scammon Bay. Residents can now get their products worked on locally in the community rather than spend thousands of dollars on freight costs for a simple and easy fix that can be done in the local CVRF shops.

APICDA was proud to help fund Atka’s new health clinic (right) through the APICDA Infrastructure Grant (AIG) and the Community Development Grant Program (CDGP). This project was a collaborative effort of regional and local partners including the Aleutian Pribilof Island Association (APIA), City of Atka,
Indian Health Service, USDA, Rasmuson Foundation and APICDA. Other buildings pictured are Atka’s new quarantine shelter (left) and the Atka city office (light blue building). The shelter and the clinic were built using prefabricated modules assembled by Ahtna Environmental in the summer of 2021.

Living in remote rural off the road system communities is expensive, making the necessities such as heating oil and gas very expensive. One of the programs offered by CVRF is the “heating oil” program, which all 2,000+ households in the 20 communities each receive about 30+ gallons of heating oil. On average, the cost of heating oil is $5 per gallon. This is one of CVRF’s most popular programs in the wintertime, which is a cost savings for households.